GUGU ONPOINT|Things to do to keep your family and your spouse happy TO AVOID DIVORCE
BY GUGU Most people especially couples are so selfish that they tend to think only for themselves, especially when their marriage is under attack, couples need to identify what the Devil uses in order to enter into our lives destroy our family, couples need to joint hands and fight against that by never ever departing from the most high and constantly pray for God to give them strength to never give up on their marriage for the sake of God's word and the kids. Children suffer because people marry for wrong reasons and never fear separation. The Devil attacks us by showing us most of our spouses flaws, uses what couples say to each other during misunderstandings, to bring hate and disrespect between the couples. That's why couples should be very careful of the words they utter when angry, because words do stick in our hearts and minds. If it has happened that negative hurtful words had been said and you beginning to hate your spouse please do try this. Trusting...