GUGU ONPOINT|Things to do to keep your family and your spouse happy TO AVOID DIVORCE


Most people especially couples are so selfish that they tend to think only for themselves, especially when their marriage is under attack, couples need to identify what the Devil uses in order to enter into our lives destroy our family, couples need to joint hands and fight against that by never ever departing from the most high and constantly pray for  God to give them strength to never give up on their marriage for the sake of God's word and the kids.
Children suffer because people marry for wrong reasons and never fear separation.
The Devil attacks us by showing us most of our spouses flaws, uses what couples say to each other during misunderstandings, to bring hate and disrespect between the couples.
That's why couples should be very careful of the words they utter when angry, because words do stick in our hearts and minds.
If it has happened that negative hurtful words had been said and you beginning to hate your spouse please do try this.
Trusting in God
 Pray hard for God to help you forgive your spouse or for your spouse to forgive you.
 Pray without seizing. Pray to GOD to please put  his eyes firmly on your marriage since he is the originator of marriage.
Tell God that u want to love your husband again, that you want to learn to accept your spouse and never see, his minor flaws, that you want to make things right, and you want to make God proud, by sticking to his marriage arrangement, tell God about how your kids will suffer if it ever happened that you separate, that you really want to be with your spouse to teach your kids, His standards. That you want to be a good example so that your kids will learn and respect marriage.
When you talk to God talk to him in truth and  in spirit. Be honest to your heavenly father about how you feel about your spouse. Let God know you are more than ready to fix things..

.Now trust God to help you.
When you look at your spouse and you feel hate, that's when u pray silently and ask God to help you fight that hatred there and then.
Continue this routine, so that it will master your mind.
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Do contrary to what your mind tells you, to do concerning your spouse
, read the bible constantly so that you can always be in spirit, because all of the negatives comes from the Devil.
When your spouse wants to be intimate with you and that bad spirit makes you hate the idea, pray and go contrary to that by telling yourself that it is the will of God that you give  your body to your spouse it is according to the word of God , that It is your spouse`s right and duty, this will be hard but God is the greatest helper of all times, pray also before engaging into sexual activities with your spouse. Thanking God the free gift of sexual pleasures, that he gave to you and your spouse as a marital right and the greatest exercise.

Do not give chance to the Devil,
 the Devil hate real and Godly things. Because when one is fornicating he doesn't care to destroy that, why because you are doing what he wants you to do which is `disrespect God`S standards` but he is more than ready to destroy anything that is good and aligned with God's will because he doesn't want us to do the right thing, so that  he can continue taunting our heavenly creator. That's is why our father says in the scriptures. " be was my Son, so that I can make a reproach to him that is taunting me."
 Learn English fastWe need to be wise to the Devils evil plans to separate us from the love of God. And disappoint him by working towards our marriages no matter how difficult we should apply what the Bible says and live accordingly with the mind of strong prayer and never divorce.
Because God hates divorce.
We always have to do what's right in God's eyes. And always check what  the bible says about any issue before making any decisions.
We should make sure everything is made known to God so that he can direct us.
No matter how long it takes for God to help you, don't give up because he will surely help you. While the devil is trying to break your home, keep praying and believing and never leave your family.

Family is the most important gift too


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